ETB Screenwriting


After nearly 30 years of providing free content on character and story analysis of recent and classic popular film and television the Emotional Toolbox website and book store is now closed. 
It has become too expensive and time consuming to keep up the website, shop, and newsletter.  In the early days I could manage but as the platforms became more and more sophisticated it out-stripped my technical abilities.
A huge thank you goes to Jeff Weicher who got me started on the web oh so many years ago and to Ramtin Nikzad, without whom my content and career would never have flourished as it did.
I am so grateful for all the wonderful writers I’ve been privileged to work with and I’ve loved reading your fantastic projects. My work has taken me all around the world and I’ve learned so much from all of you.  Thank you.
It’s time for me to focus on my own creative projects and I have several scripts I want to turn into novels, characters and stories who deserve to live in a wider world than my book shelf.
I can still be reached at [email protected] and I am available for consultation on Zoom and in person.
All the Best,