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What’s Your World?

Be Fabulous Friday

This week’s quote comes from the inimitable Victor Hugo, author of such classics as Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame:

Victor Hugo

Never forget how essential world-building is your script, and to your characters. After all, they will impact, as will the narrative, by the world they live in. Be it a faraway planet, a mystical world beyond our comprehension, or a city down here on earth from any period in history, it is up to you to craft the world of the novel, screenplay, whatever. Another useful quote from Writer’s Digest (You can read the full article HERE.)

Whether your tale is set in a real place or an imagined one, you need to establish your characters’ world so that the reader can suspend disbelief and fully engage with the story.Of course, the more differences to our own world you introduce, the more you need to focus on getting those details absolutely right – but you need to do it in such a way that they almost fade into the background.

If you’re on Pinterest, why not follow my Pinterest board for these weekly motivational posts? It will be updated weekly, so you can keep track if you ever need quotes and inspiration curated by me.




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