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#MondayMusings – Learning French to Lose Weight

Monday Musings

I gained a bit of weight over the holidays.  I spend way too much time on FaceBook and the Apple News App.  It’s depressing. And I am an emotional eater. So I bought a Learn French Program, Rosetta Stone, and I do a French lesson when I need a bit of distraction.  No more checking Social Media obsessively. The French lessons are divided into bite-sized pieces, games, and word matching. It’s a more productive way to spend time.

Although I’ve always wanted to learn French, that’s not really the point. I want to emulate the svelte stylish French women I see in Paris (a cousin is one of them).  I do the lessons mostly to remind myself daily of the best self I aspire to be. It makes me happy instead of depressed. I am not emotionally eating and I am losing weight.

You might want to try it– not the French lessons– but something that reminds you to be your best self.  It might be daily, prayer, meditation, sketching, a craft, or a walk in the park. Incrementally, bit by bit you can become the best version of who you are!

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