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President Barack Obama


From the moment Barack Obama steps on the national and the world stage, his words and actions identify him as a Power of Imagination character.

In his campaigns and Presidential speeches, Obama often uses the words “we” and “us. David Brooks commented in an Op-Ed piece in The New York Times:

“Out of (Obama’s) perceptiveness comes a distinct way of seeing the world. Obama emphasizes the connections between people, the networks and the webs of influence. These sorts of links are invisible to some of his rivals, but Obama is a communitarian. He believes you can only make profound political changes if you first change the spirit of the community. In his speeches, he says that if one person stands up, then another will stand up and another and another and you’ll get a nation standing up.”

Power Comes from the Bottom Up

Obama’s grassroots campaign and masses of small individual donations demonstrate his bottom-up view of things.  The danger is these characters are always collecting allies and consensus while avoid stepping out decisively. Their leap of faith is making hard decisions that bring about conflict with hoped-for allies.

Power of Imagination characters are humble and naturally self-effacing.  They seek greatness from others and draw their inspiration from others. Rather than impose it from the top-down as Trump does, “Only I can fix it.” Over the years, Obama has been the subject of great public adulation. Far from getting drunk on it, he has become even less pompous and proud. Unlike former President Trump, whose never-ending greed for grandiosity and adoration cannot be satisfied.

Fictional Example

Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings helps bring together a wizard, hobbits, elves, men, and dwarves to save Middle Earth.
His Power of Imagination leadership philosophy might be stated as:  “We all must be inspired to work for the salvation and elevation of the whole.”  Or, more succinctly:  “All for one.  One for all.”
Leadership is empowering others.  Power of Imagination characters lead from behind. They urge the crowd forward as a group.  Their challenge is to stand in front of others and directly challenge wrong-doing themselves.
The Test
Frodo acts unilaterally at crucial times in the story, culminating in climbing Mt. Doom and tossing the Ring into the fiery pit. Stepping away from the crowd, acting unilaterally, and staring down evil oneself, is the real test for these characters.
President Obama finally passes this test in his second term in office. He helps bulldoze through the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) with no Republican support.


To learn more about this fascinating Character Type click HERE

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